The Nintendo Collection System is in fact intended for everyone who gets a good feeling from Nintendo games and that is simply a huge number of people. But it all starts with Nintendo fans!

Nintendo fans of the past

You may have played on an older Nintendo console such as the Nintendo Entertainment System, the Nintendo 64, or the Nintendo Gamecube in the past. But, like so many others, have you lost your connection with games? You may even still have your old console and collection.

Whether this is due to your private life, your work or another situation, it doesn’t really matter. Because deep down you are probably still a Nintendo fan! If there is one thing Nintendo does with its consoles and games, it is touching you and that always lingers in a certain way. It is an inexplicable form of magic.

Nintendo’s consoles and games are two of the main parts of the Nintendo Collection System.

But YOU are also an indispensable part!

For and by Nintendo fans

For the record, NintendoReportes started this system with one goal; Nintendo for and by Nintendo fans! Any input you as a fan can have about games can help others. But it can provide you with a form of outlet for that passion / emotion.

The importance of fans

Your passion and input about Nintendo games from the past can introduce people who have not experienced that era of games to them and open up a whole new world for them. Even though you may no longer have a collection, you can still express what you thought and now think of Nintendo games.

What time you can and want to spend on this is of course entirely up to you. We can only put our best foot forward and create a system that makes it as easy as possible for you to do that.

The future of the Nintendo Collection System for Nintendo fans

We think that we have already achieved a significant degree of a fast and practical system with the Nintendo Collection System, but we are certainly not finished developing it yet. The system aims to bring together fans from all over the world, whether it’s about sharing collections, favorites and wishlists or being able to make matches, buy or sell. strong> from Nintendo games.

All Nintendo fans are simply important, you are our driving force and each other’s Nintendo family!
Will you help us make the Nintendo Collection System a success?


adverb: verleden jaar
noun: verleden jaar